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My Massage Doula

Classes for when your partner becomes your doula.

Are you looking for a childbirth class that focuses on the physiological process that a mother and child travel during birth?  

How about proven preparation techniques that address common pregnancy symptoms and reduce undesired birth interventions?

Discover the science behind birth with a side of crunchy woo woo for a more complete look at the journey a family travels to bring their little one earth side. 

Charlotte Scott and Danica Todd bring a different perspective to the birthing event by combining over 20 years experience as certified birth doulas and prenatal massage & bodywork professionals.

Join them as they discuss hands on ways you and your partner can prepare to meet your little one…..

Recognize the stages of birth

We will look at the straight up anatomy and physiology of birth


The emotional and spiritual componants that accompany each stage.

Anatomy and Physiology

What exactly is going on in there?

  • what do those cervical check stats mean?
  • why does baby’s station matter?
  • how can you work together to create space for birth to unfold


The Impact of Mindfulness in Labor

What is “laborland” and how to get there

  • how labor is effected by your thoughts, feelings and environment
  • your internal pharmacy – how to use what you have
  • holistic stages of labor and strategies to get you through each wave



Sometimes birth takes you into where you least expected it and you end up needing interventions that you did not plan on using.  Learn what they are and how to strategically support your partner if the need arises.


Sometimes birth takes you into where you least expected it and you end up needing interventions that you did not plan on using.  Learn what they are and how to strategically support your partner if the need arises.

It takes the whole family.

Discover how each member plays a role during the birthing process, and personalize labor support based of your unique needs.  

Birthing Partner’s Role

Baby’s Role

Support Partner’s Role

Explore alignment through posture sequencing.


Access simple posture sequences for pregnancy and birth that helps maintain your alignment goals and allows the pathway through the pelvis to be easier for baby to navigate.

My Massage Doula




An online course for when your partner becomes your doula.  

Course description and price varies by class title and facilitator.  

Click Sign UP to see current class availability.   




Did you know that we also offer private consultations?  Contact us now.


Questions or Concerns? Get In Touch

15 + 6 =

Charlotte Scott

Charlotte Scott

co-founder and facilitator

Follow on social media @mymassagedoula #alignedforbirth #alignedandready 

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